Friday, November 2, 2012

Easy Chicken Teriyaki

I've been trying to decide what recipe I would show you all next, and it was a toughy.

On Sunday, I found myself stuck in bed for the better part of the day. I had an excuse. I was glued to a new book I was reading, "The Faults in Our Stars" by John Green. Once I finished the book, cleaned up the mess that was my snot and tears, and composed myself, I decided I needed an easy, no-brainer dinner plan.

With some frozen chicken thighs and all the ingredients in the kitchen, this was it! Chicken Teriyaki, with some rice and veggies (I picked up some Baby Bak Choy, but I'll leave that part up to you). This is an adapted recipe.

Here's what you'll need.

*NOTE: If you don't care for any leftover sauce, I'd suggest half-ing the sauce portion of this recipe.

1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon cold water
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 red wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
6 chicken thighs


1. In a small bowl, mix the sugar, ginger, and black pepper.

2. On low to medium heat in a saucepan, mix the soy sauce, cornstarch, water, and vinegar. Once they are blended, add the garlic and mixture of dry ingredients.

3. Bring to a light boil.

4. While you wait for the sauce to boil/thicken (5 minutes or so), grease your oven dish with oil and preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

5. Place chicken thighs in oven dish. Remove the sauce from the heat and brush both sides of the chicken thighs generously.

6. Bake for 50 minutes, brushing the sauce on the chicken every 10 minutes. Flip chicken halfway through the baking time. *baking time could easily vary 5-10 minutes, depending on your oven.

7. Serve with a side of rice and veggies!

This is such a quick and tasty meal, so I hope you enjoy. Plus, if you chose to make the full recipe, you'll get some extra/leftover sauce you can use for another meal. You can easily use the sauce with other meats as well (I've tried it with shrimp skewers, and it is absolutely delicious).

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thai Shrimp Curry (in a hurry)

While my mom was visiting from overseas, a friend of my husband and I came over and cooked an incredible meal. When he first mentioned it, I thought it would be ridiculously complicated and therefore would not ever attempt to make it. Of course, I was proven wrong and it turned out to be one of the easiest dishes to make (and super delicious)!

Here's what you'll need.

1 Tomato, sliced
1 Onion, sliced
1 can Aroy-D Green Curry
1 can Coconut Milk
1 Red Bell Pepper, sliced
Bak Choy, chopped into thirds - as much as you want!
12 pieces raw Shrimp, peeled - quantity really is up to you


1. Start up a saucepan on Medium heat with some oil (I use EVO). When hot, saute the onions and tomatoes until soft.

2. Pour coconut milk and green curry into the mix. Mix and cook for 3 minutes.

3. Add red peppers and bak choy. Cook for 5 minutes.

4. Finally, mix in the shrimp. They cook quickly, so be sure to watch the pan. You don't want to over-cook your shrimp!

Like most Thai curry dishes, I like to serve this with a hot bowl of rice.

You can definitely switch the veggies up, if you'd like! As a side note, I'd recommend not substituting the shrimp for any other type of meat unless you are willing to add sugar (and possibly more) to make up for the flavour of the shrimp. I made this mistake once, and I ended up having to add brown sugar to substitute for the sweetness that generally comes with the shrimp. Originally, this was going to be made with crab legs when our friend made it, but the grocery store was sold out. So, that's definitely a variation I'll have to try.

Serve hot. Eat it up before the cats get to it!


Let's start off with a brief introduction.

My name is Genny and I like food. I also like cats. I've been married for a few years now, living in a "big city", working 9-5, while maintaining hobbies such as photography and web design/development on the side.

It's been...never...since I've been placed into a lifestyle where I have to do the majority of the cooking in our household (university doesn't count, as that consisted mostly of instant noodles, instant mashed potatoes, frozen perogies and of course, KD). It's been pretty smooth sailing and I've began to not mind being in the kitchen so much. Mind you, I'm still no Iron Chef (or Iron Chef challenger, for that matter).

I've always been an avid recipe follower, whenever I did have to cook. I've only recently learned that I need to omit, add or substitute ingredients to really cater to our own tastes. I'm getting there.

Let me introduce you to our cats: Lee and Gizmo (respectively).

I was never a cat person either before we met these two. This just goes to show how much I really know about myself, now that I have two cats and cook. Anyway, you'll get to hear lots more about them as the blog goes on.

Well, that about sums it up.

Expect lots of posts about making snacks, baking, and cooking quick and easy meals. I've never been one to have patience for a long cooking process (Christmas and Thanksgiving cooking are two very clear indications of that). A lot of what I post will be adaptations of recipes I love to make. Plus, there will be plenty of friends throwing in their amazing recipes too! 

Stay tuned!